Monday, February 26, 2018

Private Eyes

**Photo courtesy of**

Whether the song by Hall and Oates or the television series (reviving Jason Priestly's career...oh, Beverly Hills 90210!), private eyes are watching you. Seems like everything you do or say is being seen and scrutinized by other people.

While being under watchful eyes can be beneficial, our politically correct society has been certain to bring all you do and say under the microscope and shared with millions.

Some finger wagging borders on the ridiculous but, for the most part, hurtful. For example, the shaming of nursing mothers. A function that is the most natural after childbirth. Yet, some have felt it necessary to express their disgust when a mother, while covered up, breastfeeds her children in public.

It amazes me how backward the world has become. How male and female can be pitted against each other. That there can be mistrust, deception, and hurt in our midst but it appears to be that way for the time being.

I guess I just don't understand it at times until I find myself with an attitude that can cause me to say or do the wrong things. Then I know that my heart isn't in the right place, that it's hurting and so is the reason for many others who lash out. Then I recall the universal phrase of, "Hurt people, hurt people."

In my own life, I have been on both the giving and receiving end of watching eyes. I have been the one to slew insults and shame on those who perturbed me. I also received shaming and reprimands from others who believed they knew better.

However, after I had an encounter with God and my life changed radically, my heart of stone had been softened and I began to see and feel the hurt of people around me. It was unbelievable to me but so needed.

These days, I am very thankful to have the watchful eyes of my Heavenly Father on me at all times. He helps to guide and direct my life in ways that are best. There is a book in the Bible written by a prophet named Isaiah who talks about God's involvement in our life direction.

In Isaiah 30:21, there is a reference to God's watchful eyes, saying, "Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, "This is the way, walk in it."" (Isaiah 30:21)

To me, having that kind of navigation is priceless and it saves me from having to retrace any wrong steps and move into the place that I am supposed to be, doing exactly what I am supposed to do, for the best God has planned for me.

Encouragement for the week:

Ever feel like someone is always watching you, criticizing everything you do or say, not really having an interest in what's best and good for you?

If you are a Christian reading this, you know that God does not shame you about anything you have done or said. He always watches over you. His love for you is unconditional and His ways and discipline in your life are best. Keep following that still, small voice that gives you direction for your life.

If you are not a Christian reading this, you can look for Jesus and you will find Him. He is not interested in where you have been or what you have done. He is not interested in making you feel bad about past choices. He is, however, very interested in you and your life right now. He wants to keep His eyes on you so that you have the very best in your life while going in the right direction.

Monday, February 19, 2018

I Mrs. Doubtfire It!!

**Photo courtesy of**

Desperate times call for desperate measures, especially when you are Robin Williams' character in Mrs. Doubtfire. A beloved tale of one father's heart cry to be with his kids when his marriage dissolves.

As his time goes from full to part with them, he does what any father would do out of love for his kids...he becomes a woman?? Not just any woman but a well rounded, British woman with a flair for the sarcastic. My kind of lady!

Famous lines like, "Brace yourself Effie!", and, "Oh, it was a drive-by fruiting!", pale in comparison to the signature look and fashion statement of the lead character, Euphegenia Doubtfire.

Hijinx ensues and this staunch gal is met with one difficult situation after another. However, it isn't long before Robin Williams' true identity is revealed and his desperate efforts to spend more time with his kids are over. He's devastated.

While the movie ended with an amicable arrangement between the divorced spouses, desperate times can make us do some extreme things. I have been desperate - to have a relationship with my son, be married, and come to a place of true contentment about myself. It was hard for me to accept disappointment when my desperation only brought heartache.

Many of us strive to gain things in our lives that might not be good for us. Unfortunately, it's after times of desperation, anxiety, fear, and discouragement that make us realize the things we were running after weren't worth pursuing.

I can really relate to Robin Williams' plight in the movie. Honestly, I probably would have done the same thing. Yet, when I entered into a relationship with God and started to learn about His ways and see things from His perspective, I learned to slow down and my desperation faded.

I still desire the things I once was desperate for but I can, now, react in a way that helps, not hurts, me. It has taken a long time and I still fight impatience, but not nearly as much.

But I know a man who was so desperate, that he gave his life. This man was Jesus Christ (the Son of God), and His desperation was for the people of the world. For the lost, broken, and hurting.

His desperation was so great, that He suffered crucifixion on a cross in order for you and I to be saved from our own desperation. Isn't that amazing?

It doesn't compare to the things I believe I need to be desperate about. Not even close.

Encouragement for the week:

Have you been in a time of desperation similar to that of Robin Williams' character? Did your reaction to it bring good results?

If you are a Christian reading this, you know that Jesus' desperation for you is reason enough to lay down the things you feel desperate about. He is our rescuer in times like that and He will never disappoint.

If you are not a Christian reading this, you can look for Jesus and you will find Him. He is completely desperate for you because of His love to see you come close to Him. He will help you in the agonizing things of your life.

Monday, February 12, 2018

Triple Threat

"Do not be anxious about anything..." - Philippians 4:6

**Photography by Melissa Talbot**

I believe fear, anxiety, and worry are the greatest feelings that plague us. There are mornings I wake up wrought with anxiety. There is no discernible reason or explanation for the anxiety, it's just there and very real.

I know a lot of people who worry about many things. Sadly, the time spent worrying is long and robs them of joy and peace in life. There are even statistics that state most or all of the things we worry about will never happen.

Then there's fear. Fear of failing is a big one. It stops many from stepping out in a different life direction, trying something that could have the potential of being exciting and of extreme blessing. Yet, if you asked successful people how they became successful, the common answer would be how many times they failed before realizing notoriety.

Whether pursuing a new career, travelling to a new destination, or overcoming the fear and anxiety of being rejected, failure will be a part of that journey. The secret is to ignore the doubt and discouragement that stalks you along the way. How do you do that?

For me, I haven't been able to overcome the biggest fears, anxieties, and worries in my life without the help of Jesus. No matter what I have faced, as scary as it's been, it's my relationship with Him that has brought me peace and courage while tackling some of the greatest obstacles.

Also, reading the Bible and seeing promises that uplift and strengthen, throughout its pages, have been life and situation changing for me. It's within the promises of Scripture that I have found the best rescue in my own anxiety.

It's not always easy to navigate a world that holds unrealistic expectations on us. That's why I turn to the truth contained in the Bible because I know it is good and real and its truth never changes.

In a book called Matthew in the Bible, it says not to worry because nothing comes of it except wasted time. You won't add hours to your life if you worry. Instead, you'll lose a part of yourself if you do.

Being fixed on things like that which are said in the Bible, I, honestly, sleep better at night and wake up in the morning, anxiety free. So "Do not be anxious about anything..." (Philippians 4:6), and you will be able to enjoy the better things in life.

Encouragement for the week:

If you find yourself worrying, you're not alone. Sometimes getting caught up in worry and anxiety can happen but you don't need to stay there.

If you are a Christian reading this, you know the great promises God offers within His Word and a relationship with Him that dispels any kind of worry, fear, or anxiety that life has the potential of bringing. Stay rooted in His Word and hold tight to His promises.

If you are not a Christian reading this, you can look for Jesus and you will find Him. He holds the secret to taking away the unsettling thoughts and feelings you face in your life.

Monday, February 5, 2018

One Flu Over The Cuckoo's Nest

**Photo courtesy of**

Being sick is...sickening. A cold/flu invades your body, forcing it into a state of homeostasis and hibernation. Your immune system throws a party you never gave permission for with a guest list you you never invited.

The chills and body aches are nothing compared to the unwanted close and intimate relationship you've forged with your toilet. Not to mention coughing up a lung, blowing your nose til it bleeds, and having a cotton mouth that dares to strangulate you because of the need to breathe, solely, from the mouth...for days. Spectacular (mind the sarcasm).

I managed to 'joyfully' experience both a cold and flu in the span of six weeks. While I managed to soldier through the cold and, somewhat, navigate work with most of my brain cells intact, the flu was a whole other mess. While I'm now in the final stretch of the flu, thankfully, I was completely useless in the midst of it. Having no energy or real thought processes, however, did offer something that I found comforting.

Relief. An audible sigh of relief came as my body succumbed to the flu that had taken over. In the few days of having it, I had no worries or anxieties and even though it wasn't the most ideal way to achieve calm, it did have a way of clearing my mind, allowing me to

I could relax and, more easily, let go of the things that had been plaguing my thoughts. My unfortunate situation had become an unexpected, but pleasant, expedition into the places of my mind that I would try and visit from time to time, but was something busyness and obligation would steal.

Without coercion, I could ponder and feel without restriction or cross examination, if only by my own reason. Consideration was given to the things I would normally fear, while overruling and dismissing them. Great and lucid logic filled my mind even as my body was weakened.

Dare I say, it was wonderful. I actually had no fear at a time I was most vulnerable. I began to think that I needed to be this incapacitated more often. I quickly realized what I had just contemplated and snapped back to reality.

In all honesty, though, there were no real pressures while being sick and as I wouldn't wish these ailments on anyone, I would recommend a time of solitude. When everything in your mind and life are completely and immediately released so that you can be still. So that you can think and feel freely, being vulnerable to yourself.

Encouragement for the week:

While a sickness is never welcome, I have come to appreciate the reprieve it offers from real life. Maybe you can relate?

I pray that you are not suffering from a serious ailment but that you are able to understand the purpose behind the down time.

If you are a Christian reading this, you know that we don't plan on becoming sick but, sometimes, God does permit certain ailments to come over our bodies so that we will be quiet and without concern. Sometimes, He allows things to get our attention. Be open to what God may be wanting to say to you during this down time.

If you are not a Christian reading this, you can look for Jesus and you will find Him and all the goodness He has for all times in your life.