Monday, February 12, 2018

Triple Threat

"Do not be anxious about anything..." - Philippians 4:6

**Photography by Melissa Talbot**

I believe fear, anxiety, and worry are the greatest feelings that plague us. There are mornings I wake up wrought with anxiety. There is no discernible reason or explanation for the anxiety, it's just there and very real.

I know a lot of people who worry about many things. Sadly, the time spent worrying is long and robs them of joy and peace in life. There are even statistics that state most or all of the things we worry about will never happen.

Then there's fear. Fear of failing is a big one. It stops many from stepping out in a different life direction, trying something that could have the potential of being exciting and of extreme blessing. Yet, if you asked successful people how they became successful, the common answer would be how many times they failed before realizing notoriety.

Whether pursuing a new career, travelling to a new destination, or overcoming the fear and anxiety of being rejected, failure will be a part of that journey. The secret is to ignore the doubt and discouragement that stalks you along the way. How do you do that?

For me, I haven't been able to overcome the biggest fears, anxieties, and worries in my life without the help of Jesus. No matter what I have faced, as scary as it's been, it's my relationship with Him that has brought me peace and courage while tackling some of the greatest obstacles.

Also, reading the Bible and seeing promises that uplift and strengthen, throughout its pages, have been life and situation changing for me. It's within the promises of Scripture that I have found the best rescue in my own anxiety.

It's not always easy to navigate a world that holds unrealistic expectations on us. That's why I turn to the truth contained in the Bible because I know it is good and real and its truth never changes.

In a book called Matthew in the Bible, it says not to worry because nothing comes of it except wasted time. You won't add hours to your life if you worry. Instead, you'll lose a part of yourself if you do.

Being fixed on things like that which are said in the Bible, I, honestly, sleep better at night and wake up in the morning, anxiety free. So "Do not be anxious about anything..." (Philippians 4:6), and you will be able to enjoy the better things in life.

Encouragement for the week:

If you find yourself worrying, you're not alone. Sometimes getting caught up in worry and anxiety can happen but you don't need to stay there.

If you are a Christian reading this, you know the great promises God offers within His Word and a relationship with Him that dispels any kind of worry, fear, or anxiety that life has the potential of bringing. Stay rooted in His Word and hold tight to His promises.

If you are not a Christian reading this, you can look for Jesus and you will find Him. He holds the secret to taking away the unsettling thoughts and feelings you face in your life.

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