Monday, September 3, 2018

I Vant To Be Alone

My home growing up was a busy one. The ladies in the picture above, with myself and my sister, were part of a care home my Mom headed in our house.

Aside from my parents being nurses, they both had hearts of compassion, care and love for others. While Dad worked a traditional nursing position in a local hospital, my Mom had a desire for tending to mentally handicapped men and women who occupied our residence.

So, there was never a shortage of activity. For years, I would have meals with them and, when the weather lent, threw horseshoes into pits during back yard picnics. They all became a larger part of our family.

Suffice it to say, there were occasions when I needed time to myself, away from the action. To be alone so that I could rest before the next set of meals and games. Not much has changed since then.

While I love people, I still require time away from folks so that I may be recharged and refreshed. Being an extroverted introvert means there is a limit to my exchanges with people before quiet rest is a must.

There's nothing wrong with that and I am not weird for being that way. In fact, one of my favorite persons of the Bible frequently left crowds to spend time alone. That person was Jesus.

He, often, stole away from the demanding hoards in order to seek time and interaction with his heavenly Father. He would get into a boat, sailing to the opposite side of a lake or get up very early in the morning, just to be by himself.

I love the fact Jesus did that because if He needed a break from the people He greatly loved, that means it's okay for me to need some quiet time. It means that after some solitude with God and prayers in between, I'm able to serve others more effectively, just like Jesus.

So don't feel guilty, sweet girl, for taking a break from people in order to get some down time. There is a place in each of our hearts that God created to long for quiet time with Him.

Breathe in deeply, take steps slowly, and enjoy the stillness that surrounds you during those times of isolation.

Encouragement for the week:

Taking a time out isn't just for kids. You can't expect to be everything to everyone at all times. Steal away from the crowds, just like Jesus did, and you will find rejuvenation.

If you are a Christian reading this, you have an innate need for stillness. The next time you find yourself in noisy surroundings, take a break with God. He'll energize you so that you can rejoin the masses.

If you are not a Christian reading this, you can look for Jesus and you will find Him. He longs to have you to Himself and recharge you for whatever lies ahead in your life.

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