Monday, September 24, 2018

Here, Kitty Kitty!

Have you ever tried to tame a stray cat? No matter what you attempted, even bribing it with food, it came close but never embraced your efforts. It never showed trust on a deep level or saw your kind face as a safe place. Perhaps, its distance was due to the feline being neglected or abused.

Sometimes, we can become stray cats as we live out life and experience unexpected hurt. At times, the hurt incurred may have been unintentional and other times, harshly directed and malicious. The wound that can scar us the most can also come from those closest to us. Whatever the case may be, damage is done and it can cause us to become distant and suspicious of even the slightest human contact.

We may, no longer, feel as though we can share our true selves with anyone or have deep and meaningful relationships due to the fear of being hurt again. Some scars are so deep and excruciating that it can prevent us from living a life filled with laughter, joy, and hope. Yet, while suffering in this life might be inevitable, it doesn't have power over us. The agony and discomfort of negative life experiences can be overcome with the right tools and careful healing.

For me, it was time in counselling and the diligent support and safety of family that helped me come out of my abuse as a young girl. That I felt like I could live without fear to a certain extent and take some enjoyment in life. I'm sure it wasn't easy getting there and I remember never liking school, but I didn't allow that time in my life to keep a grip on me as I tell you about it today.

Now, as an adult woman, the distresses of life, while disheartening and still uncomfortable as they may be, can be disposed of more quickly because of the relationship I have with God. He has demonstrated His power and promises of the Bible in my life time and again. He has brought me full healing from the things of my past and present that cause pain.

It was the invitation of Jesus that had me know that no matter what I was encountering, there was always rest and recovery in His presence and through reading the words He spoke within the Bible. It was one such promise in the book of Matthew, in particular, that brought and still brings a great assurance and relief when I take hold of and remember it in times of struggle or trouble. It says, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." (11:28)

It's an extraordinary promise that calms even the tumultuous of storms that might be raging against me at any given time. I can actually exhale with confidence as I relax my stressed mind and muscles, waiting for the calm that comes from reading the above verse. Soon, the anxiety melts away and I can turn back my focus to lighter things and look forward to someone greater, taking care of things on my behalf as I simply be.

The same holds for you, sweet girl, if you enter into a life changing relationship with Jesus, the Son of God. While He does make things clear over time, He also never hesitates to help us when we call on Him and His heavenly Father. It's just one of His many promises available to us as His beloved. You can have confidence, healing and victory over the dark things of your life, just as I did.

Encouragement for the week:

If life has you feeling like a stray cat, without true meaning or sense of belonging, you are not alone my friend. I have been where you are and I understand.

If you are a Christian reading this, you have come through great hardships and mind altering struggles because of the power and promises of God. It has been as a result of the close relationship you have forged with Him. No matter what, don't turn away from His goodness and love. Take a break in His comforting stillness and sovereign protection.

If you are not a Christian reading this, you can look for Jesus and you will find Him. His heart for you beats with a longing that will keep Him in pursuit of you until you open your heart and life to Him. True goodness, mercy, and grace are awaiting you in His loving arms. You can trust Him.

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