Monday, March 19, 2018

Survival Of The Fittest

**Photo courtesy of**

The newest version of Tomb Raider is now being shown in theatres. Reprising the role of Lara Croft comes a younger protégé who is just as much of a globetrotting adventure seeker as the original  played by Angelina Jolie.

When you see the trailers for this movie, there's no lack of action, suspense, or incredible death defying scenes showing the young Croft, seemingly, plummeting to her death. All the while, the voice of Beyoncé is heard in the background belting out the words, "I'm a survivor, I'm not gonna give up..."

It's hard not to get caught up in the mood and intentional Hollywood drama of the film when you see the best parts in a commercial. It makes you feel that if Lara Croft can do all that and survive, surely, my life can be the same.

There are a lot of shows that highlight extraordinary situations showing a dramatic fight, rescue, or emotional scene and ending with a hard-to-believe conclusion. That's the magic of television and film. However, some real life situations don't end in a superhero fashion. Sometimes, life gets hard and you begin to wonder if you will ever survive.

I have been struggling with my own life and the things that happen in it, wondering if I am making the right decisions for myself, in line with what God wants for me. What if I don't exactly know what that is? Knowing I can decide and make choices is great, but can't that be dangerous? Almost like engaging in my own suspenseful, death defying adventure movie. While having that freedom can be exhilarating, I feel as though there has to be some light treading. After all, there is no single choice in the world that does not come without consequences.

Just like Lara Croft, I could easily have a crazy adventure. The thought of something different is exciting and refreshing but what lies on the other side after the newness of it wears off? Just like each subsequent adventure that young Croft experiences. Being battered and bruised after each situation has to get really old after a while. Oh, if only life could be a Hollywood movie and if we don't like the direction it's taking, we yell, "Cut!" and try another take, a different way.

Trying to choose wisely, while seemingly freely, must be entered into with great caution. Some choices result in an outcome that can be quite horrible. My thoughts go to Jesus, the Son of God, as He could have chosen not to endure the horrible and painful destination of the Cross. His short ministry was radical and exciting, especially for those who followed Him as He did miracles and fed thousands of people with a couple loaves of bread and a few fish.

Yet, Christ always knew why He was there and to show others, in dramatic ways, how far He would go to save those He loved. The final take of His ministry would be the death defying scene that had no stunt double or the yelling of 'cut' because it didn't look right. He was facing something dramatic...death on the Cross, in order to save the world from all the things that we were just trying to survive. While I am glad it wasn't me who had to hang on that Cross, the enormity of the sacrifice is never lost on me.

Life can be fun and exciting and choices can be made, but it's important to note that the choices made should be ones you can live with and survivable in every way.

Encouragement for the week:

Life is filled with excitement and adventure and we are able to make all kinds of decisions at any time. Be sure that the choices you make are the ones of which the consequences can be lived with.

If you are a Christian reading this, you know that God gave you a free will to do as you wish and make the choices you desire to make. God wants us to make the right choices in line with His Word and will for our lives. Don't take chances with your freedom to choose.

If you are not a Christian reading this, you can look for Jesus and you will find Him. He will help you to make the right choices, at the right time in your life. That's how much He cares for you.

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