Having finished the 'kiros' of Costa Rica and successfully graduating from the Discipleship Training School, it didn't take long for God to reveal the next steps He had in mind for me once I returned to the familiar and welcome comforts of my home in Canada (November 20, 2011). In fact, it was within the first week of my return that God began impressing upon my heart the next country He wants me to go....Cuba!! That's all He gave me, a new country but no indication as to the 'why's' or 'what for's', just a destination.
Meanwhile, I settled back into 'normal' life and took some much needed time for rest and processing at my parent's place for the month of December 2011 and part of January 2012. It was there that God further impressed His next steps along with a prompting to buy a Spanish-English Bible. So when I returned to my home in Calgary, Alberta, I quickly ordered the Bible and waited on God to further direct me.
While I was seeking God, I was also sharing this news with others including the pastors of my home church and with friends and family. I just didn't know the particulars behind going. But it doesn't matter to me in the least for I know that if God calls me to go somewhere, He'll be there with me and provide for me in every single way. The many unknowns behind why I'm going and what I'll be doing don't really phase me, it just excites me as I know there will be something incredible that comes out of this next chapter....just like incredible things came out of my seemingly inconspicuous first trip to Costa Rica last year with Samaritan's Purse in distributing shoeboxes to kids in the province of Alajuela, Costa Rica.
So, in speaking with my pastor and his wife, they formulated a game plan of not only getting my experiences and adventures out to members of my home church but also to come alongside me in prayer on the newest revelations from God. One element of this game plan came as an opportunity and privilege, on my part, to share my time in Costa Rica with my home church. So, on January 29, 2012, I hosted a luncheon which included a presentation of some of the things I was a part of (including the movements of God) while in the country of Costa Rica. You can take a look at the presentation on my Facebook page if you are on Facebook or receive it when I email it to others who may not be on Facebook.
Unfortunately, there are no notes that go with each slide because I ad libbed everything I said. The slides were purely a prompt to what I would say next. :D Sorry....you really had to be there to get the full effect of my excitement in sharing with everyone. So have a look and enjoy!
I'll be including more details and updates about Cuba and what my time there might look like in the coming weeks. So stay tuned!!!!! :D
Aside from that I continue to pursue God and His ways for me while I wait for Him in many areas of my life. I surrender to Him daily and what He may want to do in me and through me and how He might want me to minister to others and share Him with them. So far it's been mindblowing for me how God sees me to be effective for Him in the kingdom and how much He DOES want to use me no matter what kind of day I might be having! There are times when I just have to unplug from the world and plug IN to the Lord. Whether that's through prayer, reading His Word or simply listening to some powerful worship music....God is my inspiration that brings me back on track and I fall more deeply into Him each time. :D
At times I can't help reflecting on how much easier life was when I was in Costa Rica....being surrounded by God 24/7 whether it was through people, surroundings or circumstances. I was in this bubble with God and it was the best for me but I also knew what would come after DTS, the return to reality and real life. To go swimming without my life preserver (God) in a way and just keep my eyes on God who would always swim slowly ahead of me, watching every movement of the waters to filter out anything that would harm or distract me.
He does that daily, saving me from myself at times and what can become ridiculous distractions but distractions, nonetheless. God saves me and firmly holds me in His hand while He pours His love, mercy and grace upon me like a warm shower. All I do is stand there and sigh under the weightless pressure of the water as it rains down on me. How great and merciful He is and how faithful He is to everything He has promised me!! I, like many others, believe this year 2012 to be one of great change not only personally but also for the world. I just keep looking to God for so many things and know that He'll answer in great ways....mindblowing ways!
Stay tuned for more later! :D
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