Monday, November 19, 2018

Who's That Girl?

**Photo of me on a 1978 fishing trip with my grandparents**

Daddy's little girl, grandpa's favorite grandchild, Mommy's eager helper, and an older sister's worst nightmare. These were just some of the titles I accumulated over the young years of my life. Include the picture above and you could add adventurous boater and fisherman.

Driving my grandfather's boat for the first time was both exciting and terrifying. I wanted to go on a tear but also make my grandpa proud. He didn't let just anyone captain his vessel. Needless to say, that was a monumental day for me and I caught a big jack fish too.

Nowadays, a lot of our young girls define who they are through the lens of others and social media. Much of what streams to their eyes and ears are that they don't cut it according to the superficial expectations that movies, songs, and TV portray.

That they fall short in one or more areas that society, and even 'friends' state is required to 'fit in'. May I just say, that's total junk and completely unrealistic. I fought that while growing up and it resulted in devastating results.

Like crushed self-esteem, depression, self-hatred, and a suicide attempt. While I lived to move beyond my harsh younger years, many young women didn't. The pressure was too much. The nonacceptance too scathing. Young, beautiful lives lost. Forever.

Let's do away with the insults and judgments. Instead, let us be people who celebrate our unique differences that were given to us by God when He, so carefully, wove us together in our mother's wombs (Psalm 139:13).

May we embrace, not attack. May we move beyond the superficial standards that the world has felt necessary to impose and love our sisters for the beautiful creations they are. Let's shock the shallow world with what we can do, just as Jesus did without hesitation.

Don't be afraid to be who you are. You are unique for a reason. Only you can do what needs to be done within the world to make it a better place. Be strong and courageous and don't bow down to the world's pressure. Make them ask, "Who's that girl?"

Encouragement for the week:

Sweet girl, there is no one as beautiful and unique as you. Never allow anyone to diminish the radiance your heavenly Father, painstakingly, formed.

If you are a Christian reading this, your power to shine lies within the intricacy your Father had great love to build you with. Be strong enough in Him to embrace your uniqueness and help others to realize theirs.

If you are not a Christian reading this, you can look for Jesus and you will find Him. God made you. Yes, He did. And He did it through incredible detail with tremendous love. The world will not celebrate your full potential. Only a relationship with Christ can. You can trust Him.

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