Friday, March 21, 2014

The Call

SO, did you figure out the answer to my Cuba trivia question: Does Cuba have elephants? The answer is NO! Cuba does not have elephants! Strange but true! This blog’s Cuba trivia question is: What is Cuba’s national sport? Take your guess and write your answer in the comment section if you like! I’ll reveal the answer in my next blog!

As followers of Christ and being in relationship with Him, God often ‘calls’ us to do certain things, go certain places, and say certain words to people. When God has called me to any of these I’ve listed, some I’ve found incredibly easy to do and others not so much. Though God never changes, the things He calls us to often do, sometimes in great degree.

At times I question if what God has called me to is legitimate, but with time I know that it is and, indeed, it comes from God and it’s not something I’ve made up. But how do I know FOR SURE, that it’s God calling me?

In my own experiences, the call has come in different forms. At times it’s a pressing on my heart and spirit that is undeniable and hard to ignore. Other times it’s the internal, yet, audible voice of God that speaks to my heart and spirit in that still, small voice. I can know that it’s God’s voice and not my own (which is difficult to distinguish at times) when I have an energy within me and a great peace that is unexplainable. Of course, there is also the Word of God that I can always be sure will point me in the right direction.

Above all else, for me, it’s been dedication to praying about something specific that the Lord has called me to and asking Him to confirm that it’s what He wants me to do. He confirms in various ways; through situations, godly conversations, His Word, or His voice along with His peace. A peace in my heart and in my spirit tells me that it’s from God (John 14:27). This is the same peace I received when I first got God’s call on my life for Cuba over two years ago.

Now, as I look forward to what this vision trip will mean, the peace remains and it grows stronger as I progress in the details and planning of this next adventure with God! It is this same peace that might be filling you as you are reading this and wondering if being a part of my vision team to Cuba is something God wants you to be a part of!

If it is, the experience will be transforming for you and God will do great things in and through you during the trip! J So, now here is where you might come in! If you feel that God is placing it on your heart, calling you, to be a part of my work team to Cuba this summer, please email me and I would love to chat with you further!!

I will continue to pray and wait on God to bring those He desires to see on this trip. In the meantime, would you please join me in prayer for the following:

- Please pray that the preparation that God has already been doing in hearts would bring them forward in   becoming a part of this work team to Cuba.
- Please pray that God would continue to go before me and prepare the way to Cuba for me and my team to come. That God would oversee the details and that I would remain submitted to His timing and way in doing things, that I would NOT push my own timing and agenda.
- Please pray that God would grant me continued wisdom and discernment as I prepare to lead this team. That God would fill me with the fruit of the Spirit for the many wonderful personalities that will be in this team.
- Please pray that God would prepare the hearts of those who will come alongside this team and project to give financially.

Many thanks!