Monday, October 23, 2017

Indy, Look Out!

**Photo courtesy of**

For some, Indiana Jones is one of the most iconic fictional adventure characters. The Indiana Jones movies never lack for adventure or death defying scenes. In one of the franchise films, 'Raiders of the Lost Ark', Indy, played by Harrison Ford, is hired by the US government to find the Ark of the Covenant which is believed to still hold the Ten Commandments.

Indy is not alone in the pursuit of this ancient artifact so getting to it before the other party does is critical. He must act fast. Through no fault of his own, Indy ends up pairing with an ex-flame along the way and the adventure takes them from Nepal to Cairo.

In one particular scene, Indy comes face to face with a childhood fear. Upon arriving at the Well of the Souls, Indiana peers down to find that the ground is moving. Asking for a torch and throwing it into the pit, his fear is now a reality. Snakes. A lot of snakes. Ten thousand to be exact.

However, against all odds and, most definitely, against his will, Indy enters the pit and faces his fear so that his quest can continue. Certainly, the photo of him above says everything about how he is feeling in those moments.

There are so many things in the world and our lives that can cause fear. War, death, uncertainty about the future, joblessness, debt, and others. Odds seem to be stacked against us when we are facing fear. Often, we wonder if we'll ever overcome it.

For me, the past year and a half of being unemployed has been an...interesting time. From doubt to purposelessness, fear to anxiety, I have experienced a gamut of thoughts and emotions that would, sometimes, overwhelm me. It used to be the small things that scared me - darkness, spiders, snakes.

Yet, now that I'm older and have experienced so much more of life, it's the bigger things that strike fear into my heart. Like not fully knowing the meaning and purpose of my life, wondering if I am just wasting time until I die, or if I'm missing out on a huge blessing because I don't take chances.

Without getting overly profound with the fear-driven questions and thoughts, I have to stop myself from 'making a mountain out of a mole hill', as it were and go back to the basics of where I stand right now, both as a woman and child of God.

While I can, easily, think of all the things that could happen, increasing my fears, it's better to take a step back and realize, through common sense and wisdom, that the majority of the things I dream up from the stronghold of fear, will never happen. There are even statistics that support this.

For me, reading the Bible and talking to God brings peace that drowns out all the fearful things I find myself conjuring up. It's knowing God in relationship that brings me out of fear and helps me to see things as they really are. God cares so much about how we feel when we are afraid that He loves to remind us that there is no fear in Him.

In fact, His reminders are throughout the Bible. One example is found in a book called Deuteronomy, chapter 20, which says, "...Do not be fainthearted or afraid; do not panic or be terrified...". Not only are we told not to fear once, but four times in the same sentence. That's how important it is not to have or hold on to fear. That brings me great reassurance and a posture of fearlessness.

So, when it seems that my world is turning upside down and I have no idea what the future holds, I know who holds me and is in control of everything and there is no longer any room for fear. It's a principle I visit each time fear tries to creep in.

Indy, I feel your fears when it comes to snakes. I can only handle a gardener snake, at best. May we never allow the fears in our lives to take hold or take over to the point of no longer living a full and adventurous life sans Indiana Jones.

Encouragement for the week:

Still unemployed, I try not to be afraid of my future. I keep fighting through the fear to see a God that cares just as much about my situation as I fear it.

Yet, fearing too many things, too much, will stop us from living a good life. Say, "No" to fear and walk on the heads of the snakes in your life.

If you are a Christian, God tells us to have no fear. He is in control and knows everything coming up in our lives before we enter it. Continue to live in the fact that difficulty does not reach us without it having passed through God first.

If you are not a Christian, you can look for Jesus and find Him. He will bring relief from your fears, whatever they are, and give you the full life you long to live.

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